Friday, May 28, 2010


He has done it officially graduated the 8Th grade and headed for High school. This of course means that drivers ed will soon be upon me soon. I am so not looking forward to this and intense study time I hope he utilizes. He has dreams of going to the navy and I support this for it is what he wants and I hope his dreams do come true. The worst part of High school teenagers is the arguing which he has done since he was four but I swear he has made it is goal in life just to annoy me to all ends. Pray for me!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Declaration of life

Keaton went recently to church camp and as usual had a great time. I can not stress enough how proud i am of him. While at church camp he rededicated himself to Christ. He also decide that instead of going to culinary school after high school. He will be joining the navy and now wants to be a Chaplin. Although i am proud of him and his decision being they are mostly good ones. I have to wait and see if this will stick because he is only 13 and has some time to decide rest assured what ever he decides he will have all the support he deserves when that time comes. The time is going by so fast that it hardly seems like it will be 4 years away for he will be in 8Th grade this year and then high school. How can a mother not be proud of a child so self assured.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Boy Scout Camp 2009

Keaton has been a boyscout now for about 2 years. He has faced many challenges and earned many achievements. This year he went to camp and learned to climb, repel, and belay. He also received a great honor for a boyscout to be called out to join the Order of the Arrow. This is a ceremony held at what they call a Fire bowl. The Scout must be a min of a first classman and be elected to be called out. Keaton made it to the rank of Star scout that alone is a great thing and he was called to join with many fellow scouts. Here are just a few of the pictures from the fire bowl. The pictures below are of the Fire Bowl the first one is the Natives sneaking up on boat to ceremony. The second is the telling of story.

the third is the chief giving orders for them to seek out certain scouts.


and This is Keaton getting called before chief to accept the challenge of the order of Arrow I am so proud.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

The bliss of teen life

Well i would say that raising a teen boy is bliss but i would be lying. The wonders of teen years have not surprised me at all yet i am still hoping that he won't be like me. From the constant struggle with the bathroom and being in a house full of men might i add if you only have one bathroom think of a way to get two of them. Then there is I am bored i have to do something and the never ask until the last minute stuff that absolutely drives a mother nuts. and then the girls call unless you are the mean mom and put restrictions on the phone. I also can't stress all the complaining that goes on because i swear I have been hounded for a cell phone at least thirty times in the last 2 weeks. tonight regardless of the fact that there was no notice i let him go to oneighty. Oneighty is a kids group that is christian based and is for kids that are in junior high i actually think this is a great way for kids to hang out it is completely supervised I am so not ready for the bigger stuff yet.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Forgivness is a lesson best learned by example.

13 years went by without a hitch, I as the mother of the teen has been there and seen that I also held a grudge against someone that wronged me and I held that grudge for nearly all 13 years. I as a christian and a mother know that this is not a good example to show my children and as my teen son reminds me that it is important to be a good christian. I saw the person today that I have held a grudge against and even though it was hard and I was reluctant to do so I had to be the bigger person. I ask her if she was who I thought she was she hesitantly said yes I then held out my hand and shook her hand and said I forgive you I will hold no more grudges against you it is over and done. She tried to tell me that she was not the one who did it I simply said you did they proved it that you did but it does not matter I will hold no grudges I forgive you just do not deny it uphold it I forgive you it does not matter anymore I have grown and it is time for you to as well and I left it at that. I did this with the teen standing right there he knows most of this story and he was shocked to see that I did that he says "Mom why did you do that?" I said to him it was time to forgive her for what she did I can not hold grudges for all of my life and yours sometimes it is time to let go and it is right that i did this because it is what the bible and God would want me to do. He said you are right and I understand. This was music to my ears because it means he understood the lesson that was in the situation today. I am truly blessed with this boy because even when he drives me nuts he also lightens my heart daily and I love him.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Silver Ring Thing and School night trouble

Well He went to The Silver Ring Thing that was a good thing the problem was that he was supposed to be home no later then 9:45 which was pushing it on a school night anyway and this was a church event so I said okay he can go he needs to. Well Dad took off to pick him up and about 10 min after he has left the teen calls and says mom we are just leaving the concert okay this is when he was supposed to be is a school night and now this so now instead of being home at 9:45 he will be home more like 10:30 which is past curfew and bedtime yes he still has a bed time not to mention he had a light supper to hold him over till he got home needless to say dad is gone and I have no way of getting a hold of him to tell him he will not be there till later not a good thing.... and now Keaton has to stay up to eat and all of the before bed madness great so about 11:30 in bed gonna be tired tomorrow I am a bit upset with the church cause well I was told one thing and last minute it changed and that just does not fly with me so now what to do about this situation grown ups should have been better prepared and knowledgeable not to mention responsible....

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

CIY and now the silver ring thing

For those who read this and don't know I am a teen and this means that I get to do a lot of stuff I never would have gotten to do before... So recently I got to go to CIY Believe with my church youth group and it was awesome a great experience I do believe and my favorite act was the stunt man..... Wednesday holds the trip to the silver ring thing and I am excited I get to go with my church youth group and learn about abstinence not a problem here I do believe that my first kiss will be when i am married my mom says we will see...... but I will fill you in later

TTFN ( TA TA For Now)